Hope you are well. This time the third phase of the training was completed. We also visited some church planters’ tribes and saw their work, house churches, it was encouraging! God is amazingly at work in Pakistan and planting simple churches is the very best strategy to expand His kingdom. We need your continued prayers! In the coming November 40 from different ethnic backgrounds will be graduated and go forward to plant churches! Then we will have the great challenge of following up! God bless!
PRAYER CONCERN: SHORT MISSION TRIP IN SEPTEMBER We three members are planning to visit secret believers and underground churches on the Afghanistan and Iranian border the first week of September. We also need to meet some Muslim disciples and believers and will baptize some of them. These areas are very sensitive and we need to hire a car for 5 days. Please pray for this trip. We don’t have a budget for this trip. We need (P40k) to hire a car. God bless you!
August 28, 2019 Re: Pastor Morris Bashir, Pakistan Mission
Dear Brother Phillip,
Hope you are doing well. Just want to praise God by sharing His faithfulness in the Pakistan Mission work. We are just back from the desert trip, where we have started Mission School and training to the Church planters from different ethnic groups. Our focus is “planting simple Churches” among the unreached tribes. We have just finished the 2nd phase of the training and by His grace we will finish the 3rd phase by the end of September, and the 4th and Final phase in November. By the coming November we will be able to train 50 Church planters. It means 50 new churches among the different ethnic tribes. Then through these 50 churches we will accomplish more and extend God’s Kingdom in the other tribes. Thank you for your prayers and concerns. I am also sending you some pics of the last visit to desert.
August 4, 2019 – Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Pastor Morris reports that Mission Pakistan will begin Phase Two of the Church Planting & Training Program: Planting Simple Churches Among The Unreached Tribes In Pakistan, and asks for prayer in these areas:
1) Pray for the protection of all during their travel, they will be making trips into the desert regions. 2) Pray for provisions and funding, they will need food and provide materials of necessity. 3) Pray for power and wisdom from the Father of Lights, for the equipping of the saints and the team members, as they boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 4) Pray for the Seed of the Word that will be planted to fall on good soil, and the Work of the Holy Spirit to give water and light, that believers will grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Go; behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.” (Luke 10:2-3) soli Deo gloria